PhD theses available at Library of Poznan University of Technology
- List of PhD theses available in library
- Searching for PhD dissertations defended at Poznań University of Technology
- Searching for PhD dissertations available in library (including dissertations from other universities)
PhD theses from Polish universities
See also
PhD theses available at Library of Poznan University of Technology
Dissertations defended at Poznan University of Technology are available in hard copy in the Reading Room
Electronic versionsof PhD dissertations defended at Poznan University of Technology are made available in Scientific Information System of Poznan University of Technology. All dissertations defended at Poznan University of Technology since 1960 are deposited in the SIN PP. Full-text versions of dissertations have been made available since 2013.
All PhD theses available in the BPP are catalogued in the Online Catalogue.
List of PhD dissertations available in BPP
List of PhD theses in the Online Catalogue.
Searching for PhD dissertations defended at Poznan University of Technology
- the [Search] tab
- option [Power].
- Search by:
- [Author keyword] field = enter name
Optional: sorting from most recent: field [Sorting] = select ‘Publication date’
field [Limits:] = select limits: Prace doktorskie OIN
field [Subject keyword] = enter subject of work
field [Title - keyword] = enter words from title
Wyszukiwanie rozpraw doktorskich dostępnych w BPP (włączając rozprawy z innych uczelni)
- the [Search] tab
- option [Advanced]
- field [Title keyword] = enter ‘rozprawa doktorska'
- criteria:
- works with a given topic:
- field [General keyword] = enter general subject of work
or - field [Subject keyword] = enter subject of the work
- field [Author keyword] = enter author's name
- field [General keyword] = enter general subject of work
- the work of the selected author:
- thesis with title:
- field [Title keyword:] = enter ‘rozprawa doktorska’ and words from title
- works with a given topic:
Optional: sort from latest: field [Sorting] = select ‘Publication date’
PhD theses from Polish universities
PhD dissertations from other Polish universities, via interlibrary loan, are available in the Reading Room .
Please contact the Interlibrary Loan Serviceto request the selected dissertations.
Foreign dissertation services
- Online Publikationsverbund Stuttgart
Database of full texts in various fields. Including: articles, monographs, dissertations, postdoctoral theses, papers, manuals, master theses, research reports, etc. - CaltechTHESES
Database of full-text dissertations at the California Institute of Technology. - Australian thesis w National Library of Australia
List of dissertations available online from Australian universities. - ETH E-Collection
Collection of full texts of the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich). The collection includes: conference proceedings, theses and semester papers, doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations, teaching materials, journals and annual reports, research reports.