Analiza dorobku naukowego

(Service for PP employees) 

Persons responsible: 

  • Lukasz Jeszke, M.A., phone 61-665-3521, e-mail: Lukasz.Jeszke [at]  
  • Beata Korzystka, Ph.D., phone 61-665-3522, e-mail: Beata.Korzystka [at]  

The library offers specialised services to university employees:

  • performing citation analysis of employees' publications (H - index)
  • analysing the scientific output of employees for the purposes of rankings, parameterisation of the faculty and academic staff promotions (which includes determining the score of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education based on lists of scoring journals;  providing the impact factor - Journal Impact Factor (JIF) based on the Journal Citation Reports database - Clarivate Analytics; other metrics if necessary)
  • preparation of lists of publications indexed on the Web of Science / Scopus platform

 Please fill out the following form to request the analysis of scientific achievements / citation analysis.

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