Cyfrowe identyfikatory naukowca

Spis Treści

ORCID – electronic researcher identifier

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique identifier for authors of scientific publications, which consists of 16 digits divided into four parts and stored as an HTTPS URL (e.g.

 The use of ORCID helps to eliminate the problem of identifying authors working in the same research field in the case of very common names, to clarify the identity of individuals who have changed their name or affiliation, and to eliminate the problem of different spellings of the first and last name.

 The ORCID number is used, among other things, to register and send scientific articles to publishers (e.g. IEEE, WILEY, SPRINGER), to identify authors submitting grant applications or as a tool to gain an overview of an author's scientific output. With its help, you can easily present your publication output in one place.


DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

The identifier of an electronic document, e.g. a journal article available on the Internet.

  •  Identifies a specific object (article).
  • Allows direct access to the article
  • The cost of handling DOI identifiers for publications published at our university is covered by Poznan University of Technology.
  • Identifiers can be assigned to current and archived articles
  • DOI numbers are becoming a standard in the circulation of scientific publications.

Please note that the fact that an article has a DOI number does not mean that it is of higher quality, nor does it increase the credibility of the journal publisher. It is, admittedly, important, but only as a technical and editorial aspect.