Spis Treści
- Regulamin korzystania z zasobów systemu biblioteczno-informacyjnego PP
- System biblioteczno-informacyjny Politechniki Poznańskiej
- Kodeks etyki bibliotekarza
- Klauzula informacyjna
Regulamin korzystania z zasobów systemu biblioteczno-informacyjnego
Politechniki Poznańskiej (pdf)
Chapter I
§ 1
Regulations for the Use of the Library and Information System Resources of the Poznan University of Technology define the conditions and rules for accessing:
- library materials of the PUT Library,
- materials obtained through interlibrary loans,
- remote electronic resources (both internal and externally distributed) and the use of information and other services.
§ 2
- Use of the library and information system resources of the Poznan University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as the system) is free of charge, subject to point 3 of this paragraph.
- The system's resources can be accessed in its libraries, i.e. the PUT Library and the libraries of the organisational units of the Poznan University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as the University):
- on-site, in reading rooms or other designated areas within the system’s libraries,
- outside the system's libraries, through:
- loans to individual users outside the system's libraries,
- interlibrary loans,
- delivery of document copies from the system’s own resources,
- remotely via the Internet.
- The PUT Library may charge fees for:
- registration, which also serves as the first activation of a reader’s account,
- subsequent activations of a reader’s account,
- interlibrary loans,
- late returns of borrowed library materials,
- damage, destruction, or failure to return library materials,
- deposits for borrowed materials (management of deposit accounts),
- other services not listed in points 1 to 6, provided by the PUT Library.
- The Director of the PUT Library determines the amount of fees, taking into account the resolution of the Assembly of Founders of the Poznan Scientific Library Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation).
§ 3
- University employees, Ph.D. students, and students have the right to access all resources of the system.
- Individuals who are not employees, Ph.D. students, or students of the University may access:
- materials held by the PUT Library,
- the library’s own remote information resources,
- non-licensed external remote information resources,
- copies of documents from the PUT Library's resources,
- information services.
- Users terminating their employment with the University or graduates must settle all outstanding obligations with the PUT Library and the libraries of the university's organisational units.
- University library users affiliated with libraries of the Foundation are settled through their home institution, following the Foundation’s agreements.
- Readers registered with the Library of the Poznan Society of Friends of Sciences, the Raczynski Library, and other users must fulfill their obligations to the system’s libraries according to the applicable deposit fee regulations.
- The PUT Library reserves the right to remove a reader from the system’s user database if they have not used the system’s resources for one year.
§ 4
- The PUT Library aims to ensure accessibility to its resources for individuals with disabilities, primarily through:
- ensuring proper organisation of the library space, i.e., eliminating architectural barriers that hinder access to collections, including spaces for people with disabilities and rooms for group work,
- providing equipment and software that facilitate access to the resources of the PUT Library,
- enabling free borrowing of specialized equipment, both on-site and externally, under separate regulations,
- adapting the PUT Library’s website to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities, following the WCAG 2.1 AA standard,
- ensuring support from appropriately trained library staff (so-called accessibility assistants).
- The Poznan University of Technology Library (PUT Library) collects and makes available a wide range of materials related to the needs of individuals with disabilities.
Chapter II
§ 5
- A library account is activated after completing the DECLARATION OF THE READER of the Poznan University of Technology Library, presenting valid identity documents, and paying the required fee.
- The PUT Library, due to system requirements, may process users' personal data in compliance with applicable data protection regulations, including: first and last name, date of birth, parents' names, permanent residence address, current residence address, email address, phone number, place of employment, university name, level and field of study, academic year, student ID number, name and number of identity document, PESEL number.
- To ensure the security of the information provided in point 2 of this paragraph, users are obligated not to disclose login data to third parties.
- Required documents to establish a reader account, depending on the user’s status:
- University staff - ID card and valid employee ID,
- Ph.D. students - ID card and valid Ph.D. student ID,
- University students - ID card and valid student ID,
- international students - passport or identity document and student ID issued by the university,
- University retirees and pensioners:
- ID card and proof of employment at the university – for those seeking access to printed resources without a deposit system,
- ID card and proof of continued work at the university from the direct supervisor – to use all library system resources,
- University graduates - ID card and confirmation of degree completion,
- students, Ph.D. students, and employees of universities affiliated with the Foundation - ID card and valid appropriate ID,
- students, Ph.D. students, and employees of other universities in Poznan and the Greater Poland Voivodeship (if these universities have agreements with the University) - ID card and valid appropriate ID,
- readers registered in the Poznan Society of Friends of Science Library and the Raczynski Library, as well as academic staff and Ph.D. students from research institutions in Poznan and the Greater Poland Voivodeship - ID card and valid appropriate ID,
- other readers - ID card.
§ 6
- An active reader account entitles the user to:
- use library materials in reading rooms, in accordance with Chapter III of these regulations,
- borrow library materials from libraries outside the system, in accordance with Chapter IV of these regulations,
- access licensed digital information resources.
Chapter III
§ 7
- Libraries in the system provide access to all library materials on-site: in reading rooms or other designated areas within the libraries..
- The right to use library materials in reading rooms is granted to all users.
§ 8
- In the reading rooms, the following materials are available:
- reading room collections – monographs, journals, and other serial publications,
- special collections, including: standards, doctoral dissertations,
- library materials obtained through interlibrary loans,
- remote and local digital resources,
- equipment and software for individuals with disabilities to facilitate access to PUT Library resources.
§ 9
- Materials in the reading rooms are only available for on-site use.
- Orders for library materials from the library storage:
- are processed promptly, depending on availability – after placing an order directly on the loan slip or remotely,
- orders must be submitted no later than 30 minutes before the reading room closes.
- Special collections are issued by the on-duty librarian based on an order placed on a loan slip.
- Library materials obtained via interlibrary loans are reserved for a period specified by the lending library.
Chapter IV
§ 10
- The subject of loans outside the PUT Library includes: printed books (monographs) from the open access collection and closed-stack storage, as well as electronic documents that form an integral part of the monographs.
- Orders for loans from the closed-stack collection should be placed remotely via the online catalogue.
- In specific cases, the PUT Library may introduce other forms of ordering.
- When borrowing materials, readers are required to present an identification document, a valid library card, or a student/employee ID card.
- Any changes to personal data must be reported to the Circulation Department.
§ 11
- Loan limits by user category:
- University staff – up to 30 volumes (may be increased with the approval of the Head of the PUT Library Circulation Department),
- University students and Ph.D. students – up to 20 volumes (may be increased with the approval of the Head of the PUT Library Circulation Department),
- University retirees and pensioners – up to 5 volumes,
- University alumni – up to 5 volumes;
- employees, Ph.D. students, and students of universities affiliated with the Poznan Scientific Library Foundation – up to 5 volumes,
- other readers – up to 3 volumes.
- A reader may borrow only one copy of a given title at a time.
- For students, Ph.D. students, and employees of other universities in Poznan and the Greater Poland Voivodeship, as well as readers specified in § 5, p. 4, subpoints 9-10 (excluding universities with agreements with the University), a refundable deposit must be paid in accordance with the current fee schedule..
§ 12
- Return deadlines for borrowed books, counted in calendar days, considering user categories and types of collections:
- University employees – as agreed with the Circulation Department,
- Ph.D. students and students of the University:
- scripts and textbooks from the student collection W – 90 days from the date of borrowing, with the possibility of three extensions – each for 30 days,
- monographs from the main collection Mg – 30 days from the date of borrowing, with the possibility of a single extension for 30 days,
- employees, Ph.D. students, and students of higher education institutions affiliated with the Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries, as well as higher education institutions in Poznan and the Greater Poland Voivodeship that have entered into an appropriate agreement with the University, retirees, and pensioners of the University – 90 days from the date of borrowing, without the possibility of extension,
- University graduates – 30 days from the date of borrowing, with the possibility of a single extension for 30 days,
- employees, Ph.D. students, and students of higher education institutions affiliated with the Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries, as well as higher education institutions in Poznan and the Greater Poland Voivodeship that have entered into an appropriate agreement with the University – 30 days from the date of borrowing without the possibility of extension,
- other readers – 30 days from the date of borrowing without the possibility of extension.
- The return deadline for scripts and textbooks from the so-called short-term loan collection W is the 14th day from the date of borrowing for all borrowers, without the possibility of extension.
- Scripts and textbooks from the student collection W published up to and including 1965, as well as monographs from the main collection Mg published up to and including 1970, are loaned for a period of 30 days from the date of borrowing, without the possibility of extension, except for users mentioned in §12, point 1., subpoints 5 and 6.
§ 13
- The reader may extend the loan period of a book before the established return deadline: remotely, by phone, via email, or in person.
- In justified cases, the Head of the Circulation Department may shorten the loan period of books.
- The reader may borrow the same book again after 2 days from the date of its return.
- After each loan or return of a book, the reader should check their library account
and immediately report any discrepancies.
§ 14
- The following library materials are not subject to individual loans:
- reading room collections,
- periodicals and other serial publications,
- special collections, including: standards, doctoral dissertations,
- library materials obtained through interlibrary loans.
Chapter V
§ 15
- The right to borrow collections from the libraries of the University’s organisational units is granted to employees, Ph.D. students, and students of the respective unit, in accordance with the rules applicable in that library.
- The items available for borrowing outside the libraries of organisational units include: monographs (books), electronic documents that are an integral part of a monograph, and standalone electronic documents.
- The borrowing limits and return deadlines for works borrowed by employees, Ph.D. students, and students are agreed upon with the head of the respective library.
- Any possible loan extension must be arranged between the borrower and the librarian of the respective library.
- Employees, Ph.D. students, and students from other organisational units of the University may borrow collections from outside their home library only through interlibrary loans within the University. To do so, they must submit an appropriate request on a loan slip at their home library.
Chapter VI
§ 16
- The coordinator of interlibrary loans is the PUT Library.
- Interlibrary loans are carried out between external national and international libraries or institutions under the following conditions:
- collections from the entire University library and information system are loaned to external libraries, based on interlibrary agreements, for a period of 30 days from the date of receipt,
- in agreement with the requesting party, a copy of a portion of the requested document may be provided instead of the original,
- the costs of sending the requested documents are covered by the PUT Library or, as applicable, the library of the respective organisational unit, while the return shipping costs are covered by the requesting institution,
- the costs related to damage, destruction, or loss of borrowed documents are borne by the requesting institution.
§ 17
- The PUT Library obtains documents from external national and international libraries for the university’s employees, Ph.D. students, and students under the following conditions:
- documents are sourced from national libraries only if they are unavailable in Poznan libraries and from international libraries only if they are unavailable in national libraries,
- orders are processed exclusively through electronic submissions.
- The PUT Library provides copies of documents from the system’s library collections based on electronic orders submitted by the requesting party.
- This service is available to the university’s employees, Ph.D. students, students, and collaborating libraries.
- The costs related to obtaining materials or their copies are covered by the requesting party.
Chapter VII
§ 18
- The PUT Library provides access to digital resources:
- owned by the PUT Library: available exclusively from computers within the PUT Library's local network,
- external remote resources licensed by the Library: accessible from all computers within the University network and from computers outside the PUT network via intermediary systems,
- external remote resources with author/publisher consent: accessible from all computers within the University network and from computers outside the PUT network via intermediary systems or directly, depending on the granted permission;
- non-licensed remote resources: accessible from all computers within the University network and from computers outside the PUT network.
- Access to remote licensed digital resources is granted exclusively to the University’s employees, Ph.D. students, and students, based on an active reader account.
- Digital resources provided by the PUT Library may only be used by users for personal scientific, teaching, and educational purposes.
- Additional usage restrictions for certain user groups may arise from licensing agreements for specific resources.
- It is prohibited to use digital resources in a manner that violates copyright law and licensing terms, including reproduction, storage on personal media, redistribution, or resale of digital resources provided by the PUT Library.
- Any modifications or alterations to the available digital resources and software are prohibited; damages resulting from unauthorized, improper use or intentional destruction of digital resources must be covered by the responsible user.
- The user is held accountable for improper use of digital resources, unauthorized modifications, or intentional destruction under the terms specified in § 22 and 23 of this Regulation.
Chapter VIII
§ 19
- A system user may use information services in accordance with the permissions assigned to user categories specified in § 3:
- in both traditional and remote forms,
- in reading rooms and other areas designated for system users.
- The user may also seek assistance from specialists, except for the preparation of subject literature reviews for theses and doctoral dissertations.
- Detailed rules for the use of other services are defined by separate regulations.
Chapter IX
§ 20
- Users of the library and information system are required to comply with these Regulations, the organisational rules in force at the University, the decisions of the Director of the PUT Library or, as applicable, the head of the organisational unit, as well as the instructions and guidance of the staff of the PUT Library and the libraries of organisational units.
- Users may use their own computer equipment in the libraries.
§ 21
- Individuals using the system's libraries are required to:
- respect the provided library materials and report any noticed losses or damages,
- refrain from consuming food,
- maintain silence in designated areas.
- Library users are encouraged to leave outerwear and bags in a locker or cloakroom.
- It is prohibited to bring items into the system's libraries that may pose a threat to the safety of users, staff, or collections.
§ 22
- In the event of non-compliance with the terms and conditions for borrowing materials outside the system's libraries, the Head of the Circulation Department and, where applicable, the head of the respective organisational unit library are authorized to:
- enforce compensation from the borrower for damage, destruction, or loss of borrowed books in the form of:
- providing an identical copy or a newer edition,
- providing another title agreed upon with the librarian,
- paying a monetary equivalent,
- suspend borrowing privileges in cases of overdue returns until outstanding obligations are settled,
- temporarily revoke rights associated with an active library account.
- In the event of non-compliance with the terms and conditions for using electronic resources and computer workstations, the Director of the PUT Library and the respective head of the organisational unit library are authorised to require the user to:
- repair damages resulting from improper or unauthorized use of digital resources, including violations of regulations and licenses, or intentional destruction,
- cover all associated costs.
- Regardless of how the obligations are settled, the user does not acquire ownership rights to damaged or lost materials, nor the right to use digital resources in violation of regulations and licenses.
§ 23
- In the event of non-compliance with the borrowing terms and conditions outlined in § 20-22, the user may be suspended from library privileges.
- The decision to suspend a user is made by the Director of the PUT Library and, where applicable, the head of the organisational unit where the library operates or an authorised representative.
- The reader has the right to appeal this decision to the University Rector.
Chapter X
§ 24
- All users of the system are required to be familiar with and comply with the provisions of these Regulations.
- Matters not covered by these Regulations, including library fees, are governed by separate provisions.
- In the event of an epidemic, pandemic, or other force majeure circumstances, additional safety rules shall apply.
§ 25
The previous library regulations, i.e., the Regulations for the Use of the Library and Information System Resources of the Poznan University of Technology dated September 15, 2022, are hereby repealed.
§ 26
These regulations come into effect on the date of signing
the Library Council |
the Rector of Poznan University of Technology on ……………………………………….. |
Chapter I
§ 1
- The Library and Information System of the Poznan University of Technology, hereinafter referred to as the "University," consists of:
- The Library of the Poznan University of Technology, hereinafter referred to as the "PUT Library",
- The libraries of the University's organisational units.
- The substantive supervision of the University's Library and Information System is exercised by the Director of the PUT Library in cooperation with the Library Council of the Poznan University of Technology.
§ 2
- The PUT Library:
- is a university-wide organisational unit with service, educational, and research functions and serves as the foundation of the Library and Information System,
- operates as a publicly accessible scientific library and a centre for scientific information,
- strives to ensure resource accessibility for all user groups, including individuals with special needs, by eliminating architectural barriers and providing specialized equipment and software.
- The libraries of the University's organisational units participate in the implementation of the service, educational, and research tasks of their parent units. By fulfilling the responsibilities of the Library and Information System, they provide support for the PUT Library.
Chapter II
§ 3
- The primary task of the PUT Library is to support the education of students and Ph.D. students, as well as the conduct of scientific research at the University through activities in the following areas:
- library and information services, including:
- collecting and cataloguing library materials in a unified online catalogue,
- providing access to its own library materials under the terms specified by the relevant regulations through an integrated library system,
- proper storage and archiving of its materials,
- creating digital information resources, including in collaboration with external organisations,
- organising and integrating access to remote information resources,
- co-developing and enhancing the PUT Scientific Information System using the latest available information and communication technologies,
- providing information services to users of the Library and Information System both on-site and remotely,
- education, including:
- conducting library instruction and information literacy courses at all levels of education,
- offering professional training in scientific information and library science for employees of other Polish and foreign universities (including through the Erasmus program),
- training various user groups in library and information services, search skills, and the use of new remote scientific information services,
- scientific research, including:
- continuously documenting and archiving the scientific achievements of faculty and Ph.D. students, as well as students' theses, in the institutional repository of the PUT Scientific Information System.
- Additional responsibilities of the PUT Library include:
- conducting research and publishing activities by its staff,
- promoting the Library and Information System through the publication of informational materials, organizing exhibitions, and participating in festivals and other university and external events,
- cooperating with national and international scientific libraries, scientific information centers, and other organisations.
Chapter III
§ 4
- The PUT Library is managed by the Director with advisory and consultative support from the heads of departments.
- The primary organisational units of the PUT Library are the departments, which carry out specific tasks listed in Chapter II of this document.
- The Library Council serves as a supporting body for the Director of the PUT Library, with its composition and competencies defined in §§ 69-70 of the Statute of the Poznan University of Technology.
- The heads of departments are appointed and dismissed by the Rector at the request of the Director of the PUT Library and after consultation with the Library Council.
- The Director may invite other individuals to participate in meetings and activities of the Library’s management team.
- The PUT Library establishes task forces assigned to perform specific duties as determined by the Director.
§ 5
- The Director of the PUT Library is appointed by the Rector, after consulting the Senate, from among candidates presented by the Library Council. The detailed employment rules and primary competencies of the Director are specified in § 71 of the Statute of the Poznan University of Technology.
- The Director of the PUT Library is the supervisor of all Library staff and represents the PUT Library.
- The responsibilities of the Director of the PUT Library include:
- directly managing the PUT Library and coordinating the operation of the libraries of the University's organisational units,
- overseeing the University's Library and Information System in cooperation with the PUT Library Council,
- submitting proposals and recommendations to the Library Council regarding matters related to the Library and Information System,
- managing the assets and financial resources of the PUT Library,
- submitting proposals for the employment, promotion, and recognition of PUT Library staff,
- submitting proposals on all other matters concerning the PUT Library,
- presenting the draft operational and financial plan, as well as reports on its implementation and the annual activity report of the PUT Library, to the Library Council for review,
- submitting proposals for changes to the organisational structure of the PUT Library to the Library Council for review and subsequently to the Rector,
- establishing task forces,
- defining the scope of activities of all organisational units within the PUT Library,
- performing other tasks as prescribed by law, the Statute, and the resolutions and regulations of the University's governing bodies.
§ 6
- Employees of the PUT Library may include:
- library staff – qualification requirements for specific positions are outlined in the University’s employee remuneration regulations,
- engineering and technical staff,
- administrative staff.
- Preliminary decisions regarding personnel matters of the PUT Library employees are made by the Director. Final decisions on employment, changes in employment terms, termination, promotion, and rewards are made by the Rector upon the recommendation of the Director of the PUT Library. For managerial positions, an additional opinion from the Library Council is required.
- Each employee of the PUT Library receives an individual, detailed scope of duties, prepared by the department head and approved by the Director of the PUT Library.
- Individual detailed scopes of duties may be modified upon the request of the department head.
Chapter IV
§ 7
- The libraries of organisational units:
- ensure the provision of library and information services for their respective organisational units by:
- collecting library materials in accordance with the specialization of their parent unit,
- cataloguing library materials in compliance with applicable record-keeping rules, including processing newly acquired printed materials in the integrated library system used, following the collaboration guidelines established by the PUT Library,
- providing access to library materials,
- properly storing and archiving library materials,
- maintaining annual library statistics as required by the PUT Library,
- participate in the ongoing documentation of the scientific achievements of their parent unit’s staff,
- take part in meetings, seminars, and training sessions organized by the PUT Library.
§ 8
- Libraries may be established within the organisational units of the University.
- The libraries of the University’s organisational units are part of the organisational structure of those units and are administratively subordinate to their respective heads.
- The establishment, transformation, and liquidation of libraries within organisational units are decided by the Rector upon the request of the head of the relevant unit, after consulting the PUT Library Council and the Director of the PUT Library.
- The head of the organisational unit in which a library operates is responsible for ensuring:
- a library staff member or a team of employees appropriate to the tasks and size of the library,
- appropriate conditions of the network and premises,
- appropriate equipment and protection of library materials.
- The Director of the PUT Library coordinates the substantive operations of the libraries within the University’s organisational units.
- The head of the organisational unit in which the library operates must inform the Director of the PUT Library of any change in the staff responsible for managing the unit's library.
Chapter V
§ 9
The conditions and detailed rules for accessing the resources of the Library and Information System are defined in the Regulations for the Use of the Library and Information System Resources of the Poznan University of Technology.
This document comes into effect on the date of signing.
the Rector of the Poznan University of Technology on September 15, 2022 |