Nazwa | Przejdź do zasobu | Opis | Kategoria |
Academica | Otwórz | Academica provides access to the digital collections of the National Library - monographs, textbooks, articles and entire numbers of journals. It provides access to more than 3.5 million Polish publications from all fields of knowledge, including the latest ones, covered by copyright protection. Full access to publications is possible from Monday to Saturday during Library opening hours using the terminal located in the Reading Room. |
AGRO | Otwórz | Bibliographic database indexing articles from Polish journals in the field of natural sciences, agricultural and related. Covers topics f.e. food transport and food processing; wood technology. |
American Chemical Society Publications (ACS) | Otwórz | 85 full text journals titles from the publisher of the American Chemical Society |
Arianta | Otwórz | Scientific and Industry Polish Electronic Journals. The database contains links to approximately 4500 journals, providing full texts, abstracts or table of contents in their websites. |
arXiv | Otwórz | Electronic archive of scientific pre-prints, collecting more than 2 mln articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, biology and statistics. Most of the works placed in arXiv are published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. |
arXiv | Otwórz | Electronic archive of scientific pre-prints, collecting more than 2 mln articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, biology and statistics. Most of the works placed in arXiv are published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. |
Association for Computing Machinery – Digital Library (ACM) | Otwórz | It contains prestigious journals, magazines, conference materials and technical newsletters of discussion groups in the field of Computing Science. |
BASPAW | Otwórz | Specialized bibliographic database, including articles in the world literature on the subject of welding and related fields. |
BazEkon | Otwórz | A bibliographic-full-text database recording articles from almost 600 titles Polish journals in the field of economic sciences, management, logistics and related fields. You can also search quotes in the database. |
BazHum | Otwórz | Bibliograficzna baza danych polskich czasopism z dziedziny nauk humanistycznych i społecznych. Baza gromadzi dane bibliograficzne, rejestrując całą zawartość czasopism - od pierwszych numerów do bieżących. Twórcą kolekcji jest Muzeum Historii Polski w Warszawie. |
BazTech – Polskie Czasopisma Techniczne | Otwórz | Bibliographic and abstract database recording articles from more than 700 Polish journals in the field of technical sciences, exact sciences and environmental protection. |
BazTOL - Polskie zasoby sieciowe z zakresu nauk technicznych | Otwórz | Dziedzinowy przewodnik po polskich zasobach sieciowych o kontrolowanej jakości (subject gateway). |
BIBLIO Bibliografia Publikacji Pracowników Politechniki Poznańskiej | Otwórz | Baza zawiera bibliografię publikacji pracowników Politechniki Poznańskiej do roku 2012: |
Bibliografia Kroniki Miasta Poznania | Otwórz | Kronika Miasta Poznania - a quarterly published by the Posnania City Publishing House. |
Bibliografia Regionalna Wielkopolski | Otwórz | (baza Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Poznaniu)
Bibliografie Regionalne | Otwórz | (baza Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej w Krakowie). Bibliografie regionalne rejestrują ogół piśmiennictwa dotyczącego danego regionu. |
Biblioteka Nauki | Otwórz | Full text database providing articles from Polish scientific journals (over 1600 titles) and books (over 1400 titles). All publications are available in full text for free. The database offers publications from all scientific disciplines. |
CAB Abstracts with Full Text – test bazy dla nauk przyrodniczych | Otwórz | The database offers full-text journals (1250 titles) in applied life sciences, including environmental sciences. Access on the EBSCOHost platform. Full list of journal titles:>https:…; |
Caltech THESIS | Otwórz | Caltech THESIS is a growing repository of Ph.D., Engineer, Master’s and Bachelor’s theses authored by Caltech students. |
CERN Dokument Server (CDS) | Otwórz | The website offers access to electronic versions of publications in the field of elementary particle physics. |
CIS Newsletter | Otwórz | Monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres. Created from 1989 to December 2011. |
CiteSeerX | Otwórz | Advanced search engine and digital library of scientific articles focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science. Includes citations. |
Directory of Open Access Repositories - OpenDOAR | Otwórz | Directory of Open Access Repositories includes a list of scientific repositories from around the world. In this directory you can search for repositories by subject, content or type. By using OpenDOAR, we can search for a place to promote our publications or get an overview of the achievements of other universities or institutions. |
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) | Otwórz | Full texts of scientific books from various fields of knowledge, published by more than 500 publishers. |
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) | Otwórz | About 19 thousand peer-reviewed open access journals from variuos fields of knowledge, including technical and exact sciences. |