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Biblioteka Nauki Otwórz

Full text database providing articles from Polish scientific journals (over 1600 titles) and books (over 1400 titles). All publications are available in full text for free. The database offers publications from all scientific disciplines.

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CAB Abstracts with Full Text – test bazy dla nauk przyrodniczych Otwórz

The database offers full-text journals (1250 titles) in applied life sciences, including environmental sciences. Access on the EBSCOHost platform. Full list of journal titles: https://www.ebsco.com/m/ee/Marketing/titleLists/cab-coverage.xlshttps://www.ebsco.com/m/ee/Marketing/titleLists/cab-coverage.xls>https:…;

Caltech THESIS Otwórz

Caltech THESIS is a growing repository of Ph.D., Engineer, Master’s and Bachelor’s theses authored by Caltech students.

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CERN Dokument Server (CDS) Otwórz

The website offers access to electronic versions of publications in the field of elementary particle physics.

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CIS Newsletter Otwórz

Monthly newsletter for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centres. Created from 1989 to December 2011.

CiteSeerX Otwórz

Advanced search engine and digital library of scientific articles focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science. Includes citations.

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Science Family of Journals Otwórz

A package of journal titles on various topics: Science (the world’s leading scientific journal, containing information from various fields of science), Robotics (use of robotics in research, treatment and industry; autonomous vehicles), Science Advances (multidisciplinary journal), Science Immunology (latest discoveries in immunotherapy), Science Signaling (cell biology) and Science Translational Medicine (medicine that integrates  classical medicine, engineering and technology in the fight against diseases).

After entering the database website please click on the Journals tab.

Trial duration: 1.03-23.05.2025

Directory of Open Access Repositories - OpenDOAR Otwórz

Directory of Open Access Repositories includes a list of scientific repositories from around the world. In this directory you can search for repositories by subject, content or type. By using OpenDOAR, we can search for a place to promote our publications or get an overview of the achievements of other universities or institutions.

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