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Springer Online Books Otwórz

Collection about 137 000 english titles of full-text books by Springer (1888-2019, except 2016) and Palgrave Macmilian (since 2016) in the field of engineering and social sciences, and 553 000 titles of German-language books (1815-2004).
List">http://library.put.poznan.pl/doc/ezasoby/Springer_eksiazki_licencja_202… of books available in the national licence 2022.

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Springer Online Journals Otwórz

Collection above 2000 full text journals of Springer, 1000 archive journals and about 600 Open Access.

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SYMPOnet Otwórz

Database updated by the end of 2014. Database collects information about proceedings, conferences and congresses both national and foreign from technical domains deriving from above 60 Polish technical libraries.

Taylor and Francis Group - Online Books Otwórz

112 full text ebooks from engineering, energy, electrical engineering, transport, architecture, planning, and construction.
The">http://library.put.poznan.pl/doc/ezasoby/Taylor_Francis_eBook_2022_03_1… list of full-text books.

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Taylor and Francis Group - Online Journals Otwórz

Above 2200 titles of peer-reviewed journals from technical, engineering, environmental, medical and mathematical domains http://www.library.put.poznan.pl/doc/ezasoby/Taylor_and_Francis_journal…;(package ST- 524 titleshttp://www.library.put.poznan.pl/doc/ezasoby/Taylor_and_Francis_journal…;, medical package - 194 titles), humanistic and social domains http://www.library.put.poznan.pl/doc/ezasoby/Taylor_and_Francis_journal…; (package SS&H-1494 titles).

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VitalSource - e-podręczniki wydawcy Pearson Otwórz

Full-text access to academic textbooks selected by lecturers.
Sixteen e-textbooks are available in the period 07.10.2022 – 06.10.2023.
List">http://library.put.poznan.pl/doc/ezasoby/Vital_Source_lista_ksiazek_10_… of title.

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Web of Science - dostęp z serwera Clarivate Analytics Otwórz

Interdysycplinary database collection from the publisher Clarivate Analytics available under a national license. It allows access to scientific publications and citation indexes from various scientific disciplines. It includes archives since 1945 (journals, books, conference materials, patents, etc.).

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Wiley Online Library - Books Otwórz

The database contains 2450 full-text book titles by Wiley-Blackwell published in 2009 and 2015 (list of books available under the national licence) and 88 full-text book titles published in 1975-2017 by Wiley-Blackwell (list of books purchased for the property by PUT Library).

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Wiley Online Library - Journals Otwórz

491 full text journals in the fields of Science, Humanities and Social Science of Wiley-Blackwell Publisher.
List of full-text journals of the national license 2022.

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Wirtualna Biblioteka Nauki Otwórz

Service run by ICM UW, presents available national licenses for journals and books as well as bibliometric databases and tools. In addition, information on current consortium licenses is provided. This service also covers central Open Access funding for researchers. It aggregates up-to-date and practical information on existing agreements between the Ministry of Education and Science and academic publishers.

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Zenodo Otwórz

A repository funded and organised by CERN and the European Commission. It allows to deposit research data. In addition, all publications receive a free DOI number . The repository is accessible to any researcher - it is not restricted by subject matter or institution.