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RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) Publishing Otwórz

44 titles current magazines and 71 titles full-text archival journals in the field of chemistry and related sciences.
3 licensed and freely available databases to search for the latest literature, reactions as well as chemical compounds.
List">http://library.put.poznan.pl/doc/ezasoby/RSC_lista_czasop_2021.pdf>List of current journals.
List">http://www.library.put.poznan.pl/doc/ezasoby/RSC_lista_czasopism_archiw… of archival journals.

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SAE - Technical Papers Otwórz

Collection above 65 000 Fulltext Technical Papers.

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Science – The American Academy of Arts and Science (AAAS) Otwórz

Peer-reviewed (IF=63.832) weekly journal publishing research scores from technical, medical, biological and humanistic sciences.

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SciVal - narzędzie do analizy danych bazy Scopus Otwórz

Bibliometric tool integrated with the Scopus database, enabling to review of research results and global trends in science, as well as, data analysis (including comparative analyzes) of scientific institutions, researchers, using variety of metrics.

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Scopus Otwórz

Interdisciplinary bibliographic and abstract database in the field of mathematics and natural sciences, technical, medical, social and humanities. Contains about 41.000 journals (including over 5.000 Open Access), 240.000 books, 1521 book series, over 9 million conference paper and over 28 million patents.

Subscription includes the Scopus AI module, a search tool based on generative artificial intelligence that helps to search through articles, verify data and retrieve valuable bibliographic items faster and easier.

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Springer Online Books Otwórz

Collection about 137 000 english titles of full-text books by Springer (1888-2019, except 2016) and Palgrave Macmilian (since 2016) in the field of engineering and social sciences, and 553 000 titles of German-language books (1815-2004).
List">http://library.put.poznan.pl/doc/ezasoby/Springer_eksiazki_licencja_202… of books available in the national licence 2022.

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Springer Online Journals Otwórz

Collection above 2000 full text journals of Springer, 1000 archive journals and about 600 Open Access.

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SYMPOnet Otwórz

Database updated by the end of 2014. Database collects information about proceedings, conferences and congresses both national and foreign from technical domains deriving from above 60 Polish technical libraries.